Women finding the benefits of womens rehab

Does Insurance Cover Drug Addiction Treatment?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance companies to cover drug addiction treatment. Outpatient and inpatient services are included, depending on what state you live in and what health care plan you choose. Generally, though, insurers cannot completely deny coverage for substance abuse disorders. There are, however, some states that require insurers to cover treatment…

Man learns about the benefits of cocaine rehab

What Medications Are Used in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence?

One of the most serious types of substance use disorders involves opioids. Although these drugs are commonly prescribed legally by doctors to treat chronic pain associated with injuries and other medical conditions, they are highly addictive and can lead to misuse in some people. However, even after a person recognizes that they have a serious…

woman detoxes from home

How is Medication-Assisted Treatment distributed to treat opioid addiction?

MAT, or medication-assisted treatment, is an approach that focuses on the whole patient. The goal is to provide a comprehensive treatment involving medications, counseling, and behavioral therapies. FDA-approved medications are used in MAT, which is a clinically-based approach tailored to the patient’s needs. It is effective in treating a wide range of substance use disorders.…

family affected by addiction recovery

What Types of Treatment Are Offered At A Men’s Drug Addiction Treatment Program?

Addiction can affect men and women in vastly different ways. Where women are statistically more likely to talk about their struggles, men often internalize and hide their stress instead. Although one of the psychological signs of addiction is depression, men have a tendency to react to depressed moods with aggression, anger, or social isolation. For…

men and women discuss how they detox differently

What Are The Benefits Of Attending Outpatient Drug Rehab?

Individuals making the life-altering decision to seek treatment for their substance dependencies face several choices regarding the type of program to enter. One specific kind is known as outpatient treatment. Outpatient Program Overview This form of help offers recipients the opportunity to undergo drug rehabilitation on an outpatient basis. It differs from the more traditional…