Are there any additional services or therapies provided, such as holistic approaches or alternative therapies?

In the ever-evolving landscape of the service industry, a growing number of businesses are recognizing the immense value of incorporating holistic approaches and alternative therapies into their service offerings. These innovative practices go beyond the traditional, often narrow, focus on physical or technical aspects, and instead, embrace a more comprehensive, mind-body-spirit approach to wellness and…

How are support groups effective?

Support groups are a valuable resource for individuals facing various mental health challenges. From substance misuse to depression and anxiety, these groups provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can connect with others who share similar experiences and find solace in knowing that they are not alone. Led by peers or professionals, support groups…

What are the benefits of support groups in recovery?

Addiction recovery can be a challenging and lonely journey. That’s why support groups play a crucial role in helping individuals overcome substance abuse and maintain long-term sobriety. Support groups provide a safe and supportive environment where people with shared experiences come together to offer companionship, encouragement, and comfort. In this article, we will explore the…

Understanding the Connection Between Prescription Drug Rehab and Mental Health

Prescription drug addiction is a growing problem in our society, with millions of people affected by it each year. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma surrounding addiction and seeking treatment, especially when it comes to prescription drug rehab. Many people believe that addiction is a moral failing or a sign of weakness, rather than a…

Men and woman participating in substance abuse therapy activities

Substance Abuse Therapy Activities for Groups

There are several substance abuse therapy activities that can benefit the recovery process. Those in treatment for addiction can participate in fun games and other activities with their peers that center around addiction recovery. These games can improve self-awareness, build confidence, and help participants gain new interests and hobbies. Substance abuse treatment involves several types…

People having a group therapy session

Ways to Have a Productive Group Therapy Session

Group therapy can be an incredibly effective tool to help individuals successfully combat their substance abuse disorders. The sense of community that can form within a cohort allows many members to feel more engaged in the healing process, allowing them to learn from others’ experiences within a safe, secure space. At Clearhaven Recovery, our program…